SECTION 1: A Story of Giving
Malachi 1:6-8
additional info for verse 6
additional info for verse 7
additional info for verse 8
Malachi 3:8-12
additional info for verse 8
additional info for verse 9
additional info for verse 10
What does it mean to give?
Genesis 14:18-20
Deuteronomy 14:22-26
Why do I give?
Malachi 3:8-12
Matthew 6:19-33
How do I give?
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Acts 2:44-45
Acts 4:32-37

Preaching that Changes Lives
2 Corinthians 9:7 “...my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Phil 4:19 “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” I am persuaded that this promise is for the one who is generous with God. God cannot afford to lavish his gifts upon the stingy Christian, for he would only squander them upon his own selfish desires. And then Paul in our Galatian passage tells the saint that if he is liberal with God, he will reap spiritual blessings, but if he uses his money for his own selfish purposes, that money and what it will buy, will breed corruption in his life
Kenneth Wuest Golden Nuggets from the Greek New Testament: p.118
Kenneth Wuest Golden Nuggets from the Greek New Testament: p.118
“Jesus Christ said more about money than about any other single thing because, when it comes to a man's real nature, money is of first importance. Money is an exact index to a man's true character. All through Scripture there is an intimate correlation between the development of a man's character and how he handles his money.” ~ Richard C. Halverson
www.dailychristianquote.com, Richard C. Halverson, Presbyterian Minister, 1916 – 1995
“Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to Him that He may make it a blessing to others.” ~ Oswald Chambers
My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers, Dodd Mead and Company, New York, NY, 1935
“God has given us two hands -- one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for giving.” ~ Billy Graham
www.dailychristianquote.com, Billy Graham, Evangelical Christian Evangelist, 1918–
“Much has been said about giving a tenth of one’s income to the Lord. I think that is a Christian duty which none should, for a moment, question.” ~ C.H. Spurgeon
“A Cheerful Giver Is Beloved Of God”, Sermon #835, page 2, second to last paragraph C. H. Spurgeon, British Baptist Preacher, 1834 – 1892
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